Here, pure food and drink simply means a balanced, nutritious, natural vegetarian diet necessary for nourishing the body and mind that sustains yet does not stimulates or decays the infinite cells in us. One should also completely stop smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol and stay away from any type of psychotropic narcotics or substances to enable the body to regain and maintain its inner equilibrium and osmosis. Apart from this, the students of yoga is required to adopt to a non-hectic and uncomplicated yet active, productive and meaningful life and living that is fulfilling and satisfying. Whatever type of work one does, it should be in harmony with his/her own self and be meant for the betterment of others (at least a part of it). It must not violate the rights of others and has to remain in agreement with nature and environment and the larger society. Further, a practitioner’s lifestyle should be bereft of naked exhibitionism, greed and selfishness. It is a lifestyle that is moral and good that is capable of generating of abundance for all, driven by equanimity and empathy. The thought of the practitioner of yoga should be always positive and affirmative—even under trying or difficult conditions devoid of conflict and contradiction. It should have absolutely no propensity to cause harm to others as intention or be destructive as action carried out consciously. He/she should neither get provoked nor has the quality to provoke others since calm and poise is his/her forte. The thought of the practitioner needs to be progressive based on truth and justice as against regression or defeat. His/her thinking is always meant to promote goodwill, peace, tranquility, health, self-realization, god-consciousness, spiritualism.
The entire life of the practitioner of yoga rests on moderation in everything—whether it is food or drink, work, life and living, or thought. He is neither gripped by sorrow, failure, loss, misfortune or death nor is lured by the mundane gains knowing fully about their impermanency for he/she is exalted.