It is largely a personal choice, whether we would want to be fully contended with our life’s bounties that remain in wait or not, because nothing else and nobody else can really make us happy except we ourselves. Such a choice is largely personal. Time and again we have undergone such trivia which had bellied our expectations turning our hopes into despairs. Part of the problem lies with the feeble efforts that we put and partly because we tend to give up so soon, thinking that we probably are condemned to the pains and sufferings or misfortunes forever. However, this is the first and last of the untruth since, we have not had the occasion to try the other paths that may suitably lead us to our desired destinations; of peace, tranquility, bliss and fullness.
In order to realize our true potentials, we must garner enough courage to reject a thing called fate. A fate is true only when we feel defeated and decimated or are trying to escape the realities and its challenges. Acceptance of fate leads us to the dead ends. Fate never was and can never be a determining factor of meaningful or conscious living, though it can at best act as the alibis of our life and not life itself. Belief in fate paves ways for irrational acts and ultimately the fear of life itself. Negating fate would prepare us enough to accept the events as they are and not as they ought to have been. It is best to disown and remain non-committal to fate. This makes us responsible and resilience, in turn reducing our conflicts within and outside.
It is essential further, also to remember that the external events and their existence are in fact, inept and inert; continuing for the time frame we have set for it. They can have no influence on us until and unless we own them and make them parts of us. They remain alive till the time we prefer to nourish them. But in a way they have no life of their own or have no particular qualities except those assigned by us as per our needs. Through the external events we try to create the main causes of our sorrow. How then can we remain in a state of perpetual serenity and bliss? The easiest way to be free from these afflictions is to recognize the impermanence of the world and its ceaseless transformations, including the so called events that are capable of affecting us in various ways. The forms, qualities, entities, happenings, causes and resultant effects are the only apparent myths, subject to further transformations or transmutations. They themselves carry no meaning, remaining independent of our reckoning. In their original state of being they are as dead as their existence. In its creation, basically it ends, till we resurrect them. When one ceases to be at the intellectual plains or frees him/her from the unnecessary mazes of ‘knowledge’ and completely surrenders to the higher power of all causes, becoming a spiritual being; than the unsavory dusks and nights give way to the eternal lights. The end of knowledge actually can make us knowledgeable and in completely in charge of ourselves and in tune with the higher spirits or divine. Knowledge, by its very nature is limiting and crippling. So also the ritual of life and living, prescribed by the various religious systems make us subdued and conditions us to remain divided on impertinent themes largely invented for social purpose.
Though, there is nothing much wrong with the organized religions except that they are subjective and subjected to interpretations as per the narrow and selfish interests of people at the helm. Even as they are an effective medium of social control, yet at the same time they are the cause of much of our woes than anything else. Religion is a double edged weapon that has the potential of falling into wrong hands to turn into the weapons of mass enslavement and destruction. Spiritualism is one step ahead of religion. Humanity is actually evolving and heading towards spiritualism that would unite all beings. Astrology teaches us that ultimately the Aquarius Age is dawning.